Recognising the critical importance of accurate and comprehensive emissions reporting, IMPA SAVE—alongside several of its largest supporters—has collectively determined that an activity-based approach is the most effective method for calculating Scope 3 emissions.

Introducing the first step towards a standardized framework for the maritime industry

Under the expert guidance of Danish consultancy Reflow Maritime, IMPA SAVE has developed a comprehensive guidance paper—as a first step—designed to assist maritime stakeholders in the precise calculation and reporting of the Product Carbon Footprint for their maritime components and equipment.

With IMPA SAVE uniquely positioned in the industry with its main goals and work around minimising environmental impacts within our supply chains, aligning reporting practices, and establishing a common baseline, the IMEF Initiative seemed a natural step.

Invitation to the maritime community

The success of the IMEF Initiative depends on widespread adoption and collaborative effort across the maritime industry. We hereby extend an open invitation to all maritime stakeholders to join us in this important endeavour. We encourage other companies to adopt the activity-based approach to calculating Scope 3 emissions, and to utilise this guidance paper developed through our collaborative efforts.

Please read on to discover our guidance paper on reporting product carbon footprint for maritime products, or use the download button below to save a copy of the paper.

Initial Supporters of the IMEF Initiative

Endorse and implement the IMEF Initiative by filling in our pledge form at the bottom of this page to join our line-up of supporters.

IMEF Guidance Paper: Reporting Product Carbon Footprints for Maritime Products

This guideline is designed to assist maritime stakeholders in calculating and reporting the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of their maritime components and equipment. By establishing a baseline for Scope3 emissions, we aim to facilitate the integration of carbon footprint data as a key selection parameter over time.

This initiative represents a first step towards a standardized framework for the maritime industry. In its initial edition, the guideline adopts a basic format intentionally crafted to provide a starting point. As we advance, we will work towards a more comprehensive framework that aligns with global standards and regional initiatives.

DisclaimerThis draft edition focuses solely on calculating emissions during the production stage of a product. It does not account for emissions from logistics, usage, or end-of-life stages. Future editions will include these stages to enable comprehensive comparisons. The current version should not be used for product comparison but rather to gain a better understanding of the production carbon footprint, also known as “cradle to gate”. The data calculated based on this guidance should not be used to compare products, as further enhancements will be needed to guarantee a fair comparison. It is encouraged that PEF PCR guidelines are followed when possible and indicated in the calculation.


Some ship-owners and ship-managers must report their carbon footprint on every product purchased (PCF). IMPA SAVE focuses on minimizing environmental impacts within our supply chains, aligning reporting practices, and establishing a common baseline. This guideline aids suppliers in understanding and managing the carbon footprints of the products sold to owners and managers, especially during the production phase.

What is a Product Carbon Footprint?

A Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) measures the total greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product from raw material extraction to final disposal. Initial calculations may use CO2e, using the latest IPCC report values, supporting the accuracy of impact evaluation.


These guidelines apply to all products supplied to the maritime industry through IMPA members, emphasising emissions understanding and reduction during the product production stage.

  1. Quantification: Measure the carbon footprint of your products accurately, focusing on the production phase using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies.
  2. Reduction: Identify strategies to reduce emissions during product production.
  3. Reporting: Share detailed and transparent information about your production processes and carbon footprint calculations.
  1. LCA Framework: Adhere to the ISO 14040 & 14044 standards to conduct LCA-based calculations.
  2. Data Collection: When primary data is unavailable, we recommend utilising Ecoinvent to gather consistent and accurate environmental data.
  3. Focus on Production: Provide specific data on energy use, material inputs, and waste outputs during the production phase.
  4. Impact Assessment: Initially calculate using CO2e. Midpoint values are not calculated at this point but will be discussed.

Example Calculation: Carbon Footprint of a Maritime Valve

Step 1: Define the Functional Unit: One maritime valve with a lifespan of 10 years.
Step 2: Data Collection for Production:
  • Materials: 2 kg of steel, 0.5 kg of rubber
  • Energy: 500 kWh of electricity (used during forging, machining, and assembly)
Step 3: Initial Emission Factors from Ecoinvent:
  • Steel: 1.85 kg CO2e per kg
  • Rubber: 2 kg CO2e per kg
  • Electricity: 0.5 kg CO2e per kWh
Step 4: Calculate Initial CO2 Emissions:
  • Steel: 2 kg × 1.85 kg CO2e/kg = 3.7 kg CO2e
  • Rubber: 0.5 kg × 2 kg CO2e/kg = 1 kg CO2e
  • Electricity: 500 kWh × 0.5 kg CO2e/kWh = 250 kg CO2e
Step 5: Transition to Midpoint Impact Evaluation:
  • Use IPCC methodology to convert initial CO2e.
  • Total Initial CO2e for Production: 254.7 kg CO2e

Reporting Simplified

Production Data: Include specific details about materials and energy used in production, along with initial CO2e calculations.

Verification and Updates: Encourage third-party verification and update your data regularly to reflect changes in production methods or standards.

Continuous Improvement: Encourage continuous enhancement of production processes to reduce environmental impacts, supported by accurate and detailed impact assessments using the ReCiPe methodology. We intend to add at a later date, such as functional units, system boundaries, and uncertainty analysis.

Compliance: Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining our partnership. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to achieve substantial environmental improvements in the maritime industry.

We look forward to your participation.

See the IMPA SAVE Supporters

Browse our extensive database of frontrunners who are committed to a greener future for maritime operations and who are actively working on one or more IMPA SAVE initiatives.

Download the IMEF Paper as a PDF

If you would prefer to download the IMEF Guidance Paper on Reporting Carbon Footprints for Maritime Products as a PDF for easier sharing, instead of reading it above, please follow this link.

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